CEREC® Same-Day Porcelain Crowns

Quick and Convenient Dental Crowns in Owensboro

CEREC dental crown available in OwensboroDo you have a tooth or teeth that are misshapen, broken, cracked, chipped, too small, discolored or causing your smile to be less than attractive? Do you have a tooth missing and live in the Philpot area? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, Dr. Booker, Dr. Higdon, and their caring, well-trained team would like to help give you back your perfect smile. There are a variety of dental procedures that can treat these issues. One of them is the CEREC dental crown offered at our office in Owensboro.

A CEREC dental crown is made to cover over teeth that are damaged, like a cap over the problem tooth. CEREC porcelain crowns sound delicate, but they aren’t. A porcelain crown is durable and sturdy. A dental crown can be used for a variety of treatments.

Benefits of a CEREC Dental Crown

  • Dental crown treatment in Owensboro can be used on either side of a gap in your smile and used to secure a dental bridge.
  • Porcelain crowns can cover a tooth that is cracked, chipped, misshapen, broken, has a lot of dental work (and is susceptible to more trauma or infection), is too small, or otherwise doesn’t “fit” in your smile.
  • A dental crown is customized so it matches your smile. They are matched for color, shape, and size so you can smile, laugh, and have your photo taken with confidence. Dental crowns look completely natural.
  • Porcelain crowns restore dental implants. This means that porcelain crowns are placed on a dental implant to form a “new” tooth and tooth root. A dental implant plus a porcelain crown is a little like growing a new, sturdy, gorgeous tooth.

CEREC Porcelain Crowns Restore Smiles for PhilpotDrs. Booker, and Higdon are pleased to offer CEREC® crowns-in-a-day technology to Philpot area residents. This fabulous system means that you no longer have to wait for a lab to create your dental crown. Our skilled cosmetic dentist uses the CEREC software to gather the information, then plug that information into the CEREC technology.

The CEREC machine makes beautiful, sturdy porcelain crowns while you wait in our comfortable office. You no longer have to make one appointment to have the dentist get the information, have that information sent to a lab and then in the next appointment have the crown placed. Now, with CEREC crowns in a day, it’s all in one visit!

If you are looking for a fast and durable solution for missing teeth, a CEREC dental crown may be for you! Our team here at Dental Designs of Owensboro are eager to bring this service to residents in Owensboro, Utica, and Philpot, KY. Give us a call today for more information about these amazing porcelain crowns. Let us give you the healthiest, most perfect smile possible!


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