Restorative Dentistry

A Quick Guide to Dealing With A Chipped Tooth in the Owensboro, Kentucky Area

A chipped tooth can be a minor inconvenience, but it’s important to address it promptly to prevent further damage and discomfort. Here’s a guide on how to handle a chipped tooth from your friends at Dental Designs of Owensboro: Immediate Steps: Rinse Your Mouth: Gently rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area.

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How Can You Improve Your Smile Quickly?

With porcelain veneers from Dental Designs of Owensboro, you can enhance your smile without significant restorative dental work. Dental Veneers Transform Your Teeth Porcelain veneers are glass-like, wafer-thin covers that are attached to the front of your teeth. Porcelain has been used in dentistry for many years because no other restorative material is such an

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Bridging The Gap in Owensboro

Hello, Owensboro smiles! Do you have a missing tooth that is detracting from your otherwise nice teeth? Let Dental Designs of Owensboro fill the gap for you and help you get your stunning smile back! A dental bridge could be the perfect answer for your missing tooth and help you chew and speak properly. A

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Embracing the Social Importance of a Complete Smile in Kentucky

A confident smile has always been a powerful social asset, and one of its key components is a complete set of healthy teeth. Tooth restoration, with its various techniques and advancements, has transformed the lives of countless individuals by restoring their dental aesthetics and functionality. Let’s review the significance of tooth restoration in Kentucky and

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Are Dentures the Only Answer for Extensive Tooth Loss?

At Dental Designs of Owensboro, we restore smiles for patients with severe tooth loss. What is total mouth reconstruction? Modern restorative dentistry makes total mouth reconstruction a reality! Total mouth reconstruction restores all the teeth with dental implants and/or implant-anchored dentures. What are dental implants? Dental implants are strong, functional, and naturally-looking restorations Dental implants replace the

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Why is the 4-Step Tooth Implant Timeline Necessary?

If you’ve visited us at Dental Designs of Owensboro before you know that implants are the preferable tooth restoration for most individuals with a missing tooth. The dental implant process can take several dental visits over months. Don’t let this discourage you. Each stage of the procedure is important. Remember that the tooth implant timeline

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Overlapping Teeth Can Be Corrected for a Beautiful Smile

At Dental Designs of Owensboro, we provide innovative cosmetic dentistry. That means we fix all types of smile shortcomings. Overlapping teeth are fairly common. And while many individuals don’t mind a slight overlap, others feel self-conscious and would like it repaired. What causes teeth to overlap? Genetics or thumbsucking as a toddler can bring about

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A Missing Tooth Can Lead to Bone Loss

Today’s post focuses on missing teeth and bone health. Our teeth have many vital functions. We need them to chew our food, talk, and smile. But have you ever considered their role in holding up your face? When we lose teeth, the bone around the site of the extraction begins to shrink. This, in turn,

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How Long Will A Dental Crown Last?

Owensboro endodontists, oral surgeons, and general dentists use dental crowns (sometimes called caps) in many restorative treatments. A crown adds strength to a tooth that has a large filling or has been injured, a crown can correct bite misalignments, and a crown is usually necessary after a root canal. In a dental implant procedure, attaching

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Dental Designs of Owensboro Patients Have A Choice In Dental Fillings

With all the talk in Owensboro of multi-procedure smile makeovers involving veneers, porcelain crowns, bridges, teeth whitening, dental implants, and invisible braces, sometimes the traditional dental filling is overlooked. If a cavity progresses no further than a filling, Kentucky cosmetic dental patients can avoid more extensive and invasive treatments. Today, let’s talk about dental fillings.

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